Weddings are occasions when privacy really matters and there should be no compromise on style or aesthetics. The south front of the house provides a romantic, private and idyllic setting with its breathtaking view of the extensive parkland, lake and ancient oaks. The Music Room, where the wedding ceremony traditionally takes place, is a light and elegant space with historic plaster work that connects onward to the garden via a beautiful spiral staircase capped by a coffered dome. The garden may be accessed additionally via a hexagonal room adjacent to the Music Room that links to the stylish West Wing entertainment space via a spacious curved colonnade and contemporary bar. Your ceremony may also take place as a Duo ceremony on the rear manicured lawn.

Kimberley is imbued with a sense of one family offering their hospitality to another without the trappings of a corporate or public venue. Multiple options exist for the reception, both inside or outside in the terraced garden among the yew trees overlooking the historic park with its romantic lake and ancient oaks.

If your numbers exceed the maximum capacity of the west wing then a marquee can be hired to fit amongst the ancient yew trees in the rear garden.